SORT STEP 1: Discard any garments that are excessively stained or irreparably torn.
SORT STEP 2: Professional organizers suggests categorizing items one by one into groups based on the following criteria:
- Love It: Regularly worn with genuine fondness for its appearance.
- Hate It: Items seldom worn due to poor fit or impulsive bargain purchases.
- Like It: Frequently worn and plays a significant role in various outfits.
- Undecided: Reserved for items you are contemplating parting with but are holding onto due to sentimental value or their high cost.
Once your closet is emptied, proceed with these four steps to determine what stays and what goes:
Set aside everything in the Love It and Like It categories.
Bundle items from the Hate It category for donation or resale.
Systematically sort through the Undecided category, separating items into Love It, Like It, or Hate It based on your current feelings. Be objective and consider the present significance of each piece.
Assess each piece based on its current value to you, not its historical importance. Be decisive, especially with expensive items that are lingering in the Undecided pile.
Contact your local consignment store for guidelines on resale, profit-sharing, and inquire about their policy for unsold items—many consignment stores donate unsold items to shelters or nonprofit organizations.
- Explore designer closet organization ideas, such as floating shelves, storage bins, wall hooks, and drawer dividers, to streamline your wardrobe.
- Evaluate your closet's interior before reorganizing and consider storage options.
- Organizer Candita Clayton advises creating flexible hanging space with adjustable poles and shelves to accommodate various items.
- Inventory your short-hanging pieces, long-hanging pieces, shoes, handbags, folded clothing, and accessories.
- Customize your storage solutions based on your needs, incorporating rods at different levels, shelves, cubbies, and hooks.
- Consider organizing your clothes by color, event, type, or complete outfits for a well-structured and functional closet.